Saturday, July 31, 2010

Little Red Corvette!

Up until now, every time I baked I used my mom's good ol' hand mixer from the 70's.  (seriously, she's had this since before I was born, it's a faded yellow too.)  Anyway, it's always done the trick, but I always drooled over the AWESOME KitchenAid mixers I would see on TV but could never convince myself to pay for one (they're pricey! and I'm cheap).
Since I've been baking more, I figured one of these babies would make things much easier.  Finally, the day came. Hubby kept telling me "just do it!" What finally convinced me was, hubby has given me a gift card for $50, the store was having a 15% sale and KitchenAid was offering a $30 rebate. Ok, ok. So I did it!
Here is my new baby!!!!

Isn't she a beauty!!! I was SO excited to bring her home and USE IT!!!
I wanted to make everything under the sun haha, but I ended up making vanilla confetti cupcakes with homemade cream cheese frosting.  Sorry, I was too excited and didn't take pics of my cupcakes ha!  What have I been doing without one! The cupcakes practically made themselves! This machine is heaven sent. If you are a baker, and you don't have to be a professional or be one that bakes daily (or even weekly) this is a MUST buy. It speeds up the process by freeing you up to do other stuff while this little gem mixes everything for you!

Yay!!!  This is going to be dangerous.

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